Have we ever thought what we are doing today will have an impact on our environment in the future? So let’s us begin to care about the sustainability to keep our planet healthy for the next generation.
What is sustainable living? According to Wikipedia:
Sustainability is the process of maintaining change in a balanced environment, in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development and institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations.[1
Sustainable living can be seen from various aspects, but simply can be concluded that sustainable living is a way of how we meet our daily needs without sacrificing the interests of our next generation and wise in utilizing natural resources by paying attention to balance in life. As a mother who is aware of the importance of a non-polluting environment for future life, breastfeeding is one way to preserve the sustainability of our planet. Why is the importance of breastfeeding for a mother? By breastfeeding a mother has contributed to saving the environment while protecting her baby from various diseases.
According to UNICEF in the 2016 World Breastfeeding Week:
Breastfeeding is not only the cornerstone of a child’s healthy development; it is also the foundation of country’s development
Breastfeeding is a simple, smart and effective way to support sustainable living and protect babies from various diseases. Why breast feeding is so important?
Breastfeeding prevents babies from malnutrition and obesity while colostrum contained in breast milk also produce antibodies to prevent babies from various diseases no matter whether the baby comes from a poor or rich family. Breastfeeding is the right of every mother and conversely getting breast milk is the right of every baby born. Babies who are breastfed have been shown to be more resistant to diseases such as asthma, allergies and heart disease.
For mothers who breastfeed their babies not just breastfeeding based solely on instinct but there is a strong interaction between a mother and her baby. Besides that it has been proven that mothers who breastfeed their babies can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer and breast cancer that many women suffer.
What contribution can a mother give to a sustainable living through breastfeeding? As we know that breast milk is a natural food that is suitable for babies and is always available when babies need it. By breastfeeding their babies a mother has made a beneficial contribution to environmental sustainability. This is because breast milk does not require transportation, storage and also does not require cans, plastics and paper for packaging. In other words to produce breast milk does not leave pollution or carbon footprints that damage the environment. Very much in contrast to cow’s milk and formula milk in packs where a lot of energy is needed in its production and significantly leaves a carbon footprint.
as expressed by Francis and Mulford, 2000
Human milk is not skimmed, processed, pasteurized, stored, transported, repackaged, dried, reconstituted, strerilized, or waste… It requires no fluel for heating , no refrigeration, and is always ready to serve at the right temperature. In short, it is the most environmentally friendly food available.
Be proud of mothers who breastfeed babies because we have played a major role in preserving the earth for the survival of the next generation.
Menyusui , untuk masa depan pembangunan lebih baik. https://m.fimela.com/parenting/read/3761959/menyusui-untuk-masa-depan-pembangunan-berkelanjutan-lebih-baik
The sustainability of breastfeeding : protecting both babies and mother earth.https://www.motherlove.com/blog/view/the-sustainability-of-breastfeeding-protecting-both-babies-and-mother-earth
Sustainability. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainability
Why breastfeeding is crucial to sustainable development. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_6800220